Great, right? He did pretty well with those harmonies too. I'm curious how long it took him to put together that kind of thing back in 2007. With his more recent covers, I'm guessing he uses iMovie, since I see the same "titles" that I use in my videos. I remember trying to put things together with Windows Movie Maker back in 2007 and taking a day doing things that take about an hour now. So, here's to iMovie and all the artists who make Youtube videos through it nowadays!
A more recent cover of Tom's is of "Gravity" by John Mayer. Uploaded a little over a year ago, this cover has impressive sound quality and an incredibly crisp guitar sound. Tom's vocal melts over the guitar line perfectly. He seems to be the kind of guy who really works his songs and gets them really smooth. I mean, my obvious questions to him would be regarding his guitar, guitar strings, playing style etc. But, truly, its his voice that make his cover and originals addictive. Check this one out!
Another great one. Having watched that again now, I'm curious what microphone he's using in the cover. All I can say is that it must take him hours to layer those tracks and work on the sound. Too many people don't notice all the work Youtube artists put into the video/audio recording and editing aspect. It's not all about the great performance but about the amount of effort and quality that the artist brings to the table. And I have to say that Tom brings a fantastic performance and fantastic quality to his videos!
So, now that you've taken the time to listen to his covers, I'd suggest you'd subscribe to his channel for updates and so on, and/or check out his Facebook page. He has an original album available on iTunes that I took a look at via his Facebook page, and I really dug it. He's got some nice tunes on there, some of which you can check out on his Youtube channel. One song that jumped out at me is called "Think Twice". It's not your typical song and seems to be almost the opposite of a love song, although the melody may have that certain ring to it. I personally felt as if it were the sarcastic response to Dylan's "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright". In any case, it's a great song, so take your time to have a listen. Check back tomorrow for another fantastic artist.
Alex Hamel